Website strategy and web design services for authors

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Why I’m Now Offering an Author Website Blueprint

I’ve recently introduced a strategy phase, your Author Website Blueprint, as the first step in a custom website project. Here, I’ll expand on the reasons why I’m so excited about this approach, and in particular, how it benefits you.

What is an Author Platform Blueprint?

The Author Website Blueprint is an in-depth assessment of your author aspirations and book marketing goals, resulting in a tech strategy and action plan to:

  • Reach more readers

  • Sell more books

  • Get taken seriously as an author

  • Achieve the impact your writing deserves

It’s a small, thoughtful investment to make sure your author tech decisions are intentional and strategically right for you

You’ve poured months, if not years, into your book(s), and you know your writing could have a huge impact, if it reaches the right people. With this Blueprint, you’ll know the right tools for the job, and how they need to be configured to meet your author goals.

Why is this a great idea for you, the author?

As an author, you have a huge number of choices about how you’ll market your book online. And the technology that you need is heavily influenced by that strategy. By taking the time to be intentional upfront, you truly do set yourself — and your book(s) — up for the best long term outcome.

  • You’ll benefit from deep-dive thinking about how and where you actually want to be active online to reach readers and promote your books

  • You’ll get an honest, impartial assessment for the tools that will serve you best — not a sales pitch from someone solely motivated to win business

  • You’ll have plenty of time to ask all of your questions, including getting explanations for book marketing jargon that you currently find confusing

  • Together, we’ll brainstorm ideas and discuss your options in detail

  • You’ll end up with a plan for your author tech, and the future actions you’ll need to take, to get the best use from it

  • You’ll learn why and how these pieces can serve your long term author career, paying for themselves over time

  • You’ll avoid wasting time and money on choices that are wrong for you

  • And all this comes clearly explained in plain English, from a web designer who’s also an author with 12+ years of book marketing success

  • After you receive your Blueprint, you have total freedom for whether to work with me on implementing your plan (if we’re a good fit), or whether you prefer to take your plan to another provider, or even DIY

  • If you do choose to work with me on implementing your website plan, the cost of your Blueprint is applied to that project

  • And if you’re not 100% satisfied, I offer a 7 day guarantee to receive a full refund, no questions asked

And how is it helpful for me, your website designer?

  • I can now allocate the time we need for a truly in-depth discussion about your work, your marketing needs, and preferences

  • By getting to know you properly, I feel completely confident in the solutions I suggest

  • If there is more than one solution that could meet your goals, I have ample opportunity to research it and present a thoughtful recommendation

  • For my own satisfaction, I feel more certain that you understand why you need these platform pieces, and that you are positioned to use them to get results

  • By making a modest charge for this service, I can bring my best energy, expertise, and creativity to your situation

  • If we subsequently work together on your custom website project, we will have already established a strong and collaborative foundation for our working relationship

Screenshot from Blueprint service: click to see full details

How does the Blueprint process work?

The full details are here but in brief, the 5 stages are:

  1. Reserve your date

  2. Complete your workbook: this is your preparation work so we can make the most of our time together

  3. Attend our deep dive strategy call

  4. Receive my recommendations, in a detailed presentation with video walkthrough

  5. Get your questions answered in our follow-up call, so you have complete clarity on the recommendations

After that, it’s up to you to decide how to move forward.

How to get your Author Website Blueprint

Full information about the Author Website Blueprint, and a scheduling link to get started, is here.

Other resources for a strategic author website:

See this gallery in the original post