Website strategy and web design services for authors

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Why I Only Build One Author Website at a Time

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It’s been almost four years now since I restructured my website design process to work with just one client at a time, and it’s a decision I’ve never regretted.

Because I specialize in author websites, and I’ve built so many of them at this point, I can accurately predict how long each website will take to build, and I’m able to guide my clients in exactly what they need to have ready in order for me to deliver on time for them.

Almost all of my author website projects go through a careful preparation phase, then I set aside either two or three weeks in my development calendar to design, build, and launch the website. For example, for a two week project, I create an initial version of the website during the first week, and then in the second week we revise it, optimize it for the author’s needs, and it goes live. Hey presto!

Read more about my process here

So although I might have a handful of clients in the preparation phase (I’m usually booked two to four months ahead, and website planning typically begins as soon as your contract is signed), for the critical part of the project, I dedicate my time to a single client.

And I love this way of working!

It still puzzles me that other website designers take on multiple clients at once, and then juggle the necessary work, presumably hoping that everything averages out. During the short time that I worked this way, it became clear this would create both unwanted pauses (where I was waiting for everyone to deliver something I needed) and nasty peaks (where everyone was suddenly ready to move forward urgently).

Why one author website at a time works better for my clients

  • You know exactly when our project will be happening, and can set time aside for project meetings.

  • You know precisely when your new author website will launch, which is especially important if you have have a book coming out soon.

  • Knowing I’ve dedicated my work time for your website provides some friendly accountability and a deadline to have everything ready.

  • Although every project has a defined scope, if we save some time in one area, I can give my attention to something else that serves you well.

  • The end result is a higher quality website, because your project has my full attention and creative energy, and none of the details get lost in the shuffle.

(By contrast, if you’ve ever been ghosted by someone you were working with, it might have been because they weren’t charging enough to make their business sustainable, so they took on too many simultaneous projects out of fear of making ends meet. That led to chaotic working, difficulty managing their workload, and not getting what they needed from multiple clients. They got overwhelmed, simply couldn’t keep all the balls in the air, and dropped your project out of frustration or sheer exhaustion.)

Why one client at a time works better for me

  • I can plan my workload by knowing exactly what I’ll be working on, when.

  • It’s more efficient for me, because I’m not multi-tasking and spending time figuring out where I left off for each client.

  • I do my best creative work when I can focus on one big priority, instead of juggling multiple things.

  • It’s easier for me to take time off and travel to see family, if there are no loose project ends hanging around.

  • And honestly, I suspect clients treat the process more seriously, if they know I don’t have any other work booked in. Nobody has yet let me down, in having their website content ready.

What this means in reality, is I tend to schedule my projects with a week’s buffer time in between. But no, that doesn’t mean I close my laptop and head for the beach! During those weeks I work on marketing, business admin, keeping my skills up to date, preparation meetings with future clients, and author website strategy projects. So you might find me writing articles like this, sending an email “newsletter” to my list, updating my portfolio, watching a book marketing webinar, connecting with other book industry professionals, and learning the latest features and updates from Squarespace. If I can, I schedule personal needs like dentist appointments in these buffer weeks too.

All of this means that when we agree to work together, I will bring my “A” game to your website project. As far as humanly possible, you’ll have my full attention, and I will do my best work for you with enthusiasm, professionalism, and joy.

Not ready to hire a professional website designer yet? Want to give Squarespace a try? Save 10% off your first subscription of a Squarespace website by using the code PAULINE10

Would you like me to design and build your Squarespace website?

My author website design services are a great match for you if you want to give your book the best possible chance of success, and you’re ready to feel confident in an established, expert pair of hands. You want to focus on the work that you do best, and have a professional on your team to guide your website and integrated technology.

Learn more about author website strategy and my author website design services, and then schedule a complimentary chat!

Other resources for your Squarespace author website

Save 10% off your first subscription of a Squarespace website by using the code PAULINE10

See this gallery in the original post