Client Interview: Author Garry Cole

I had the pleasure of catching up recently with my client, author Garry Cole, to hear about the months since the launch of Are We Old Yet?, and how his new website fits with his overall book marketing strategy.

We worked together to create a brand new Squarespace website, in time for his publishing debut.

About Garry Cole

Garry Cole is not a doctor, scientist, psychiatrist, nutritionist, or gerontologist. He is a guy on the aging journey, just like you.

The author of Are We Old Yet? — A casual conversation about aging, Garry originally did his research and wrote the book for himself, but humbly wants to share it with you.

His desire is to remember the past, but more importantly prepare for the future. If you are like Garry and want to understand and prepare for our aging journey, he invites you to grab the book along with your favorite cup of coffee. Because every conversation should begin with a great cup of coffee.

Watch our video conversation


Or, jump to the topic you want to hear about:

> 0:48 About Garry, and how his research on aging well turned into a book

> 5:14 Are we ever "too old" to write a book?

> 7:30 What made Garry decide it was time for a website?

> 9:09: How does Garry's website fit in with the rest of his book marketing strategy?

> 12:17: And how did the process feel for Garry as the client, as we collaborated on his website?

> 14:52 What difference has the new website made? (book sales, speaking engagements, and hearing of the impact on readers)

> 17:42 Any advice for other debut authors during their launch?

Garry promises to share more advice for your book launch on his blog, but here are his first 3 tips:

  • Don't give up!

  • Get some experts on your team, for all parts of the publishing and marketing journey

  • Enjoy the process

> 21:22 Garry's reflections on investing in a professional website

> 21:48 How to connect with Garry, including his generous offer to share self publishing advice, if you reach out to him

Are We Old Yet?

A Casual Conversation About Aging

We all age, it is part of life.

We can deny it, or accept and make the best of it. This book will help with the second strategy.

The content is a blend of scientific research, nostalgia, and personal memories which allows for learning and entertainment. There are 35 Conversations (chapters) and include topics such as:

  • The science of aging
    Why (biologically) we get old. We need to know.

  • Is there a fountain of youth?
    Well kinda.

  • Who am I now?
    Our new identity.

  • Why we should live like people in the Blue Zones
    Because they happily live to be 100.

  • Ten Pillars to live a happy, healthy, and long life
    No explanation needed.

  • Are we old yet?
    We need to answer the question. I mean it is the title of the book.

By the end of the book you will have learned, laughed, cried, and maybe found a new friend. Enjoy.

Where to get your copy of Are We Old Yet?

Would you like me to design and build your author website?

As a professional specializing in Squarespace websites for authors and solopreneurs with books, I’m an expert in planning and implementing a site that creates impact for your work. If you’d like strategic expertise, top quality design, and all of the implementation taken care of, consider hiring me.

After careful preparation together, I’ll design, build and launch your site in usually just 2 weeks. Learn more, and then schedule our free and friendly chat.


Pauline Wiles

After writing and publishing 6 of my own books, I became a full-time website designer for other authors. I create modern, professional websites to help you grow your audience and make more impact with your work. British born, I’m now happily settled in California.


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